16 September 2012

!שנה טובה

I'm being "adopted" by a host family for Rosh Hashanah this year! The High Holy Days have always been my favorite of the festivals - not just because of the food, but I really get a lot out of the self reflection. Yom Kippur services are actually at the top of my list, if you can believe that - though really, it would be accurate to say the Days of Awe are at the top of my list.

My adopted family is really nice and they're coming to pick me up in a few hours. I'll be staying at their home for the full three days and we'll be walking to synagogue together for services. I was really worried that I'd struggle to find a synagogue I was comfortable with for the holiday, so I'm super relieved this is not the case.

Also, I'm super excited to announce that my mobile phone has been successfully updated to Android 2.3.5 (no hacking necessary) and I have Hebrew support on my phone! I won't be using my phone during the holiday, but it was fund sending out Shana Tova greetings in Hebrew to a few friends this morning.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and I'll put together an update Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. I hope.

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